MilesAlexander_推荐阅读:捡个正太来养成、春日陷溺(NP 高H 电竞)、阴影之中的回声(百合h)、斯文败类的夏先生、凹凸世界的一些车辆存放、[桃酷]孕期实录、以下犯上【剑三同人天策】、【鸢颜文】春宵一梦、相思、如果你会来救我(亲姐弟骨)
记录直男爸爸和小10岁的女Tmama的故事,辅助生育失败后自然受孕诞下一女,现已结婚4年,两儿一女,老四在路上。***************This is just an erotic fantasy that I made up, and the characters' concepts are not my concepts. I do not want my words to deepen people's prejudices and misconceptions about a certain group of people.I am not here to discuss the institution of marriage, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, butch lesbian or anything else worthy or unworthy of discussion, if you are interested in these things, please find more authoritative and standardized material.